Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ellen + "Fifty Shades of Grey" = HILARIOUS!

Boy am I tired! I have no idea why considering I haven't done much today but I'm weird like that. I think I should've been born a bear or something so I could hibernate all winter long. Its not like I even like the cold anyways.... Wait.... Did I just compare myself to a bear?? Well that's not were I was going with this blog at ALL. Any who ha! I FINALLY finished watching "A Little Bit of Heaven" with Kary today. The end was so sad :'( but at the same time SO good! That is most definitely one of my favorite movies of all time now. I nearly cried! After watching the movie, Kary and I watched some YouTube videos, mostly Ellen, but also BonQuiQui at King Burger. We LOVE that video! It's just hilarious! Now going back to the Ellen thing, we made Shuffle watch all of the Gluteus Mikesimus videos. It was like torture to him >:D Muahahahaha! I also showed them both this very funny Ellen video I'm sure you guys will enjoy too. Check out Ellen reading "50 Shades of Grey"!

I also took my Spanish exam today and I'm pretty sure I did fairly well. I feel pretty confident about it but I'm not gonna get too cocky. There's also been a lot of drama at school and its kind of annoying how much some people lie and how incredibly rude they can be.... I have no clue who the heck they think they are. Like my momma says, "You aren't the last Coke in the desert." BOOM!

What You're NOT! (Source)
Oh before I leave, this is my Biology group's new member. She's a Hornworm we named La-a (like we say, the dash ain't silent!). She's part of a project we're doing in which we get to see her grow and metamorphose into a moth! Pretty cool, huh? I'll keep you guys updated on our little buddy here :)

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