Hey guys,
I know its been a while since I last wrote on here and by a while I mean.... A WHILE! Well, a lot has happened since my last post. As I probably wrote before, I am in LOVE with a sweet, amazing guy named Russell. We had been happily together for over 5 months before everything came crashing down on Monday :/............................ I cannot go into detail about everything that happened but I... We made a bad decision that completely destroyed pretty much.... everything. Umm.... lets just say he got in tons of trouble. His mom grounded him, took his keys, phone, made him delete his Facebook (as I noticed a couple of hours ago), and was forced to... break...up...with me...... This has been completely devastating for me :'(..... Can you imagine losing your best friend?? Feeling like someone tore a part of your heart out and expected it to fix everything?? Losing the one thing that kept you together and gave you any joy? Well this is exactly how I feel and even MORE. I have to constantly stop myself from crying, telling myself that everything is going to be okay.... To just be patient because things will eventually fall back to place. Sometimes I think this is all just a dream and that one day I will wake up from this terrible nightmare.... but as I see time go by, I realize that this is reality and that maybe this pain I feel inside will never go away. That maybe I'll never get to see him again and feel the way I felt with him. But then I remember that this could also be temporary.... That because we still love each other, life will bring us back together one day. I will wait for him, no matter how long it'll take. Whether it be a week, 5 months, or a year, I will wait for things to settle back to normal and for fate to bring us back together. I know one day the pain will be less agonizing, so I'll be here... waiting as time goes by, trying to heal these wounds and remain the same person I was for him.
This song is for him <3
- Moneeka
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