Okay so I've been playing on KaraokeParty.com for a few hours and now my voice is almost completely gone!!!!!! Grrr!!! But besides that, it was really fun! Oh and at school we (as in MACK) made a new buddy! His name is Dalin and his last name starts with a "K" and ends with a "T" I think..... and it is really long.... he is kinda annoying but funny and adorable... O_o Any who ha, there was this special thing at the College today and they gave us a FREE flash drive!! Yay! lol :P Oh and we got hot dogs and cookies, yum yum yum! Hmm.... I have absolutely NO idea what the heck I'm watching on TV right now... I'll be right back, I'm gonna change the channel.
Ooooohhhh! I just found some really good show to watch. It is called Karaoke Battle USA. It looks pretty interesting..... lets see were that takes us, and by us I mean me :(
Almost forgot! Someone at school told me that I never look happy. Is that true?!?! Well I can't have a smile on my face ALL day! That would look creepy.... just imagine it! Don't you agree with me??

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