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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Check out my submission!!!
Check out this submission in Cambio Presents: Joe Jonas - Love Slayer Remix Opportunity on Indaba Music
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Ivy is Berry Sorry D:
Watch this video! It is my favorite part EVER in Good Luck Charlie!
I do not own this video. I only cut the episode so I could only see this part.
BTW I recommend to watch this video on the tiny screen and not full screen. For some reason the quality went down when I downloaded the video here :(((
Monday, August 29, 2011
Marni the Science Carnie!!
OMG! My friend found this project we made last year for Earth Science in one of her old flash drives and it was so funny I decided to post it here! For ALL of you out there to see!!!
BTW the quality is not that good so I recommend watching it on the tiny screen, and not full screen.. Srry!
Marni the Science Carni!!! by Monica Matamoros is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Well I'm FINALLY done with my homework!..... well I actually had to do twice as much Alg. 2 homework because I had no idea what the Alg. 2 homework was and so I asked two of my friends and they had no idea (such helpful friends I have lol) and then I called my third friend... and guess what?? SHE DIDN'T ANSWER!!! Good thing the work was easy so I didn't mind doing extra. I actually spent my ENTIRE weekend doing homework! Ugh! Oh and I spent all of Saturday just working on an Egypt Essay I had to make for World Civilizations. I had to take notes, organize the info, make sure my intro and conclusion were good, look for grammatical errors, and make sure everything flowed together. It was a lot of work, but I am EXTREMELY proud of it! That is probably one of my best works right there! The only thing I'm worried about is that the essay was supposed to be 2-3 pages long and mine had a little bit on the fourth page..... hope she doesn't take points off for that......

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Harry Potter in the Real World :P
I thought this sketch was HILARIOUS!! I loved the part were Harry is like "I'm a wizard you know". But I don't know if my BFF Kary will think this is very funny since she is a fan of Harry Potter.... hmm... we'll see O_o
Friday, August 26, 2011
Check Out My Favorite Commercials Page!
Hey! I made a new page about my favorite commercials. To check it out just click on the "My Favorite Commercials of All Time!" tab on the top. Hope you like it!!!
-Moneeka :P

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Agents of Change
There is this game we have to play for school called "Agents of Change". I've already completed all the tasks, except for the ones that require me to go to the library. Oh and the winner get a prize! I AM DETERMINED TO WIN!!!!!!!! Everyone should watch out because I will either win or WIN!!!! WOOO! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Feeling a bit depressed and tired.... which is not a great mix but ANYWAYS!!! Uhhhh Oh yeah! I just saw a movie trailer on TV for a movie named "Contagion" and it looks very interesting. It is about a virus or something and it like spreads out everywhere and idk... but it looked interesting!!! :DDD
Anyways, today Tina, Ash, Kary, LaKar, and I went looking for our college classes after school, only to realize that we had absolutely NO IDEA what the room number was! Luckily Ash and Tina figured it out and we got to see where the classrooms were. Ugh! But all the stuff I was carrying was super heavy and I felt like my shoulders were just gonna like fall off! lol I don't even know if that is possible... hmmm I wonder......
Monday, August 15, 2011
Lunch, Dal, and Harry
Okay so at lunch time, Kary and me got to our table first and we put five chairs around our table (for Tina C., Ash, Dal, and for us). As we were waiting, we saw Dal run outside and LEAVE! HE IGNORED US!!! He just left us! GRR!!! Now is that very nice?! NO!! I don't think so! Humph...... He didn't even talk to us afterwards. Not even to tell us sorry or anything. How rude! :/ Anyways..... Harry thought I hated him or something lol I thought that was pretty funny :D I told him I didn't hate him, which is the truth, and then he hugged (or more like attacked lol :P) me and then he started singing the "F-U-N" song from Spongebob! How random! lol

Sunday, August 14, 2011
Nail Polish! Grr!
Gosh why does nail polish take SO long to get COMPLETELY dry???? Grr! Why can't they just make nail polish that dries in 5 minutes? Hmm... that would be kool.... almost as kool as earphones that combine these two types....

One on one side and the other on the other side. That was kinda Kary's idea.... see she likes the ones on the left and I like the ones on the right ('cause I think the other one feels weird in my ear O_o) and so when we share earphones, we each get the ones we like! But anyways! School starts at 11 tomorrow!!!! So glad I don't have to wake up at 8:30!! YAY!! That makes me a very happy wittle girl! lol :P
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Update :DDD
I was kinda tired of the old look, so I update the blog!!! And now it looks awesome....r!!! YAY! Tell me what you think :D
- Moneeka :P
Friday, August 12, 2011
My Voice!
Okay so I've been playing on KaraokeParty.com for a few hours and now my voice is almost completely gone!!!!!! Grrr!!! But besides that, it was really fun! Oh and at school we (as in MACK) made a new buddy! His name is Dalin and his last name starts with a "K" and ends with a "T" I think..... and it is really long.... he is kinda annoying but funny and adorable... O_o Any who ha, there was this special thing at the College today and they gave us a FREE flash drive!! Yay! lol :P Oh and we got hot dogs and cookies, yum yum yum! Hmm.... I have absolutely NO idea what the heck I'm watching on TV right now... I'll be right back, I'm gonna change the channel.
Ooooohhhh! I just found some really good show to watch. It is called Karaoke Battle USA. It looks pretty interesting..... lets see were that takes us, and by us I mean me :(
Almost forgot! Someone at school told me that I never look happy. Is that true?!?! Well I can't have a smile on my face ALL day! That would look creepy.... just imagine it! Don't you agree with me??

Monday, August 8, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011

Hey guys (which is pretty much Kary :P)!!!!
Sorry I haven't blogged lately but I really did not feel like blogging from my Wii so yeah.... but today I went with Kary to get out school laptops so I'm back!!!! Anyways... I'm SUPER excited!!! School starts in 3 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! I want to see all the new freshmen and see all of my classmates. See who made it to this year and who got kicked out. I already chose my outfit for the first day of school, I decorated my binders and notebooks, and I am almost done with my Summer Reading Assignment. I still haven't chosen which color nail polish I'm gonna use.... but I narrowed it down to 2, greenish blue or pink... hmm they both kinda match my outfit but I can't decide!!! AHHHHH!!!! I know Kary will probably be rolling her eyes after reading that but whatever! You can stick that in your juice box and suck it!!!! Hehehehe!
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