Monday, July 2, 2012

Camp Blog #2

Last night I had trouble sleeping because I was hot at first and then really cold. Oh and there was a thunderstorm and the lighting was really freaking me out lol. My RA actually thought that people were shooting outside until he realized that there was light and therefore was lighting hehehe! I woke up at around 6am and got ready since we had to be outside with our groups by 7:30. Anyways... I got a more in-depth tour of the campus (which is super AWESOME! They even have trees and water fountains INSIDE the student union!) and I went to a really fun class where we had to solve really tricky problems. During the activity hour I went jogging with an RA and other campmates that wanted to jog/run. They said they would go slow but by the time I was half way through the jog I had already lost track of them and was pretty much lost with two other girls. That was pretty sad I guess and guess what? That was the first and last time I'm doing that.. I bet my legs are going to be extremely sore tomorrow. After I was done with everything I had to do I watched "The Avengers" movie which I've wanted to watch for a while now. Tomorrow there is SO much to do and I still have no idea what I'm going to do for the activity hour since I REALLY don't want to do any of the activities there are (which include tennis, soccer, and going to Walmart lol :P). Well since lights out is in less than an hour I should probably call my mom, get my stuff and clothes ready for tomorrow, and rap this blog entry up with a quote from "The Avengers" (I know kinda nerdy....).

Thor: "He (Loki) is my brother."
Black Widow: "He has killed 80 people in two days."
Thor: "He's adopted."

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