Monday, April 30, 2012


Hey! I know I haven't posted in like FOREVER, but I've been drowning in a sea of work for the past few months! It's been really exhausting but I am now pretty free and have time to write about whatever I write about.... Hmmm...
Anyways... for the past week I've been completely OBSESSED with this one awesomely talented guy on YouTube. You guys should check him out! His name on YouTube is nigahiga but his real name is Ryan Higa just in case you guys were wondering :) I haven't been able to stop watching his HILARIOUS videos! They just crack me up!
On Saturday, we had prom at our school and it was AWESOME! My friends and I danced all 4 hours and enjoyed it to the fullest just coming up with the randomest dance moves. However, Kary and I noticed something weird (which might actually not be weird to everyone else and they might do it too...). We noticed all the girls all up on the guys grinding and junk... We thought it was extremely disgusting..... I don;t see how that is "pleasuring'.... it just looks completely disgusting and like they are not really having fun at all.....
Hmmmm.... I wonder who is that really cute guy in the picture on top of Kary's head.... I wonder if she has noticed him at all.... hmmmm...

Moneeka <3

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