Monday, April 25, 2011

Wassup! hehehe!

Okay so I've been trying to not think of guys lately and it is kinda working out.... sorta... kinda... But anyways I think that this is better for me because thinking of guys was just messing me up! Seriously! I think it was like destroying my self-esteem or something! Oh and I am about to work on my sociology project... by myself! Only two of the people in my group helped at all! The rest did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!!! Grrrr so now I guess I have to do it ALL by myself..... humph... I should have done it a while ago... or something....

OMG! I really hope I don't have to present that stupid project for the principal tomorrow! I'll have to present it all by MYSELF!!!! Do you know how horrible that is!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!! I'm gonna die! *Faints just about....... NOW!*


Saturday, April 9, 2011


OMG! I'm waiting for the premier of the new iCarly episode called iOMG! (Just like the title of this post :)) I really want to know who Sam likes! Is it Freddie? or that Brad guy???! But anyways it's raining outside... i don't know if that's good or bad.. hmmm...
Anyways I was thinking (I know it's the end of the world or something lol) and I realized that the first letter of the name of the guys that I sorta like make the word SEA! Isn't that kool? Oh and I can't believe Frutay liked my status on facebook! I know it's not that big of a deal but still I get excited.... :D

Well before I finish with this post I'm going post (hehehe I used post twice in a sentence :P) the trailer/commercial for the new iCarly episode.

P.S. That video has such pretty colors! Or is it because my TV shows everything with a greenish tint.....

Friday, April 8, 2011


Okay so I'm going to my BFFs soccer game later today and I HOPE SHE WINS or else......... O_0 lol. But anyways, on her soccer practice on Monday she saw FRUTAY! I was so annoyed on Tuesday when she told me urgh! The one day I couldn't go to get practice/game, it's the day he shows up! URGH! I have such bad luck! But at least I am getting a little bit closer to seeing him again.... I'm pretty sure he won't like me or something but it's fine... as long as I get to see him again......

P.S. Kary don't say aww or anything like that or I will smack you!